The United States National Rifle Team is the premier competitive fullbore and long range shooting organization in America

The USNRT is dedicated to promoting safe, fair, and fun participation in fullbore and long range shooting from 300 to 1000 yards. Members engage in dynamic and challenging courses of fire, where wind reading skills and accuracy with iron-sighted rifles are equally tested. Through the USNRT, shooters and wind coaches develop their own self-improvement abilities and take part in the thrill of team competition. The USNRT offers a structured, exciting path to elevate your fullbore and long range shooting skills that enable you to shoot in competitions across the United States and the world.

Who we are

The USNRT is an ELITE GROUP of athletes, representing 30 states, ranging in age from 15 – 83 years of age.  These athletes consist of coaches and shooters who have met rigorous and stringent qualification standards to join the USNRT.  These members function as the competitor base from which the U.S. Fullbore Team is selected to compete in the World Long Range Target Rifle Championships held every four years.  

In Action

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South Africa 2023

In preparation for the 2024 World Long Range Championships being hosted by the South African Bisley Unit, the United States fielded a small component of shooters and coaches at the 86th South Africa Open Target Rifle Championships held 10-18 March. A reflection about the trip is here.

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Tribute to Tony Miller

It is with heavy hearts that we share the loss of Tony Miller, a Palma Team member. He passed from this world on Oct 23rd. Even if you only knew Tony from time with him on the range, you probably recognized that he was a truly good person, generous with…

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