Tryout Information and Criteria

An individual who wishes to join must contact the USNRT.  The Body Governance (Competitions or Development Director) will assist with coordinating a tryout location and availability of the range and tryout coaches. 

Locations: Possible tryout locations are listed here.

Rifle and Equipment: Must meet current ICFRA rules; these are available here.  This includes, but is not limited to, sling width not exceeding 50mm; trigger weight at .5 Kg minimum, 156 grain bullet (for .308 caliber) or 91 grain bullets (for .223 caliber) maximum weight, and a front lens not greater than 0.50 magnification. 

Tryout Course of Fire: A tryout consists of a total of one hundred twenty (120) shots for record broken down into six (6) strings of twenty (20) shots each at 1000 yards on the LR (long range) target-face. The shooter will shoot under three (ideally) USNRT Body coaches during the tryout. The first string of the day will have unlimited sighters. Each subsequent string will have two sighting shots. 

It is suggested that the tryouts last a minimum of two days as it is not recommended that shooters try to shoot more than three (3) strings or sixty (60) shots in one day. The strings of fire must be shot consecutively. The shooter may not “cherry pick” the strings they wish to submit for consideration. 

Target Scoring System (Shooter): The target grading system uses horizontal lines drawn on the target above and below the X, 10, 9 and 8 rings. Shots are scored as a zero for the X ring elevation; one point for shots in the 10 ring elevations – either above or below the horizontal X ring line; three points for a 9 ring elevation; and five points for an 8 ring or beyond elevation. Points are not deducted for wind shots. For example: a nine o’clock shot in the 9 ring at X ring elevation is a zero point shot. If electronic targets are used, the electronic plot will be graded using the same technique.

Qualification Criteria:  An individual regardless of age-group category, must meet a qualifying score of sixty (60) points or less over the 120 record shots.